say something

"Say Something" is the first work created by the Collective 123.o. It's a long instant composition created with interaction from the audience, through written words. In “Say Something”, we work towards the space where we simply are as we are together, while inviting a scope of characters to appear.
Choreography and performance:
Amr Karkout
Giuliana Corsi Kolling
Edith Buttingsrud Pedersen
Anni Lattunen
Roberta Ricci
Rossella Canciello
Stefania Petracca
Maddi Fuente Ubani
Annukka Hirvonen

Photos (c) David Blackburn
Collective 123.o is a group of diverse Dancers and Choreographers, and a mixture of different cultures, backgrounds, and eye colours - and each of us with the same brand of trousers.
They started meeting once a week to share their practices and, without the goal of a specific result, dance and playfully experiment together.
First of all, the aim of the group is to connect and share. Secondly, there is a desire to create a space where exploration and development, and the meeting between people, stand before the product.
In their sessions every Friday, they work with Instant Composition, improvisations with voice and body, and a Roland SP 404 Sampler that they make sound with.
In Collective 123.o we aim not at perfection, but at the vulnerability in communicating honestly with each other.
We look for the simple human connection, as well as the extremes of humanity and physicality.